Getting a Divorce in Rhode Island
Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer
Everyone "knows" divorce can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. The truth is, any experienced Rhode Island divorce lawyer can tell you the most likely outcome of your case after a 15 minute consultation, if you give him or her the straight scoop on your situation. That's not surprising, since most issues in family law have well-established legal precedents and the four family court judges in the state follow similar guidelines.
So why do some divorces take months or years and cost tens of thousands of dollars to complete? It's simple - someone wanted to fight, someone needed to be 'right', or someone had unrealistic expectations. Aafter all the money has been spent, they usually wind up with a result very much like what their lawyer told them they could expect.
Save yourself the time and money. Work with a highly experienced divorce lawyer who has seen it all. Call The Family and Consumer Law Center of Claude Lefebvre, Christopher Lefebvre, P.C. 401-728-6060. We've handled more than 2,400 Rhode Island divorce cases, as well as the entire scope of issues in family law.
Our southern Massachusetts divorce attorney can help you:
- Understand the divorce process and timeline
- Pinpoint your most important issues and define a strategy to help you reach your critical goals. This will help you to know where to be flexible in negotiations and what issues you should have less flexibility around.
- Find a mutually agreeable resolution to issues of support and property division , including the allocation of pension and retirement assets
- Arrive at a workable child custody agreement and parenting plan
A Few Basics of Rhode Island Divorce
- In order to get divorced in Rhode Island, one of the parties must have lived in the state continuously for at least one year.
- Rhode Island does not require a period of physical separation prior to filing divorce, like Massachusetts does.
- Rhode Island DOES have a 3-month waiting period after the nominal divorce hearing.
- If you have already been living apart for 3 years or more, there is only a 21 day waiting period.
- Rhode Island does recognize "common law" marriage if you and your partner have lived together and held yourself out as a married couple.
- Rhode Island and Massachusetts both recognize same-sex couples so these couples can access the family courts to seek divorce and child custody orders.
We can help you understand the requirements of Rhode Island and Massachusetts divorce law. Contact our Pawtucket or Providence law office at 401-728-6060 (toll-free at 800-851-1829) for a free initial consultation.